Monday, April 15, 2019

From Mary Fran APRIL 2019

We are going to be out of town the 3rd Tuesday of April, so I am sending along the info I have been saving for the group.   See you next month.
Mary Fran

After Google’s decision to display IPTC fields – a new industry survey from IPTC  Deadline for this survey is 4/15/2019

Stock Agency News
Magnum Photos CEO David Kogan leaves the agency 1 March

Rick Strange, a very successful UK travel photographer with over 45 years experience is closing his website after over 4 years of very disappointing sales. Considering the excellent quality of his work, this may be a cautionary tale for any photographer considering trying to market work from a personal website rather than using a stock agency.

PhotoShelter, the leading digital asset management platform for visual storytellers, today announced two dynamic additions to the company’s management team: Kristine Muccigrosso and Daniel Salerno. Muccigrosso joins as the VP of Customer Success and Salerno as the Director of Talent and People Operations.

Shutterstock has reported Q4 2018 revenue of $162.1 million up $6.7% compared to Q4 2017. (The comparison excludes the 2017 revenue from Webdam which was divested in Q1 2018.) The revenue was also up $9.5 million from Q3 2018. Revenue per download averaged $3.40 per image, compared to $3.33 in Q4 2017. (Much of this growth is probably due to increased sales of video content offered at much higher prices than still image content.)

PantherMedia is now representing the work of the largest provider of 360 °/VR media provider, 360Cities. 360 °/VR media are ideal for use in education, publishing, advertising and film, as well as in the development of mobile apps and games. 360Cities has been curating high-quality, fully 360 ° interactive panoramic photos for over 10 years, working with thousands of passionate VR photographers and videographers from around the world.

Shutterstock have launched in-app contributor sign-ups for both Android and iOS platforms, (until now only available via a desktop)  available in 21 languages …making uploading and selling photos on their platform much easier for the mobile-first generation.  Read more:

A new UK-wide photo agency representing female photographers called Female Perspective has been launched by Brighton based photographer Tabatha Fireman. Having worked at numerous photo agencies as both photographer and assignment editor, and with a desire to redress the gender imbalance that currently exists in photojournalism, Tabatha, 44, set out to create a photo agency consisting of high-calibre women photographers.  Read more:

PhotoShelter   March has been an extraordinary month for us. From premiering our brand new podcast Vision Slightly Blurred to securing $8 million in funding and celebrating our 14th birthday, we’re bursting with great news and excitement about the future.

VICE Media’s Broadly  Stock Photos Beyond the Binary  Launched: Gender inclusive stock photo library available for free to media outlets

1)  Getty Images sent out the following notice to image suppliers yesterday. Be sure to also see Getty Simplifying RM Exclusivity where I analyze the pros and cons of this plan for image creators. They said, "We will soon begin including a base level of Exclusivity into RM licenses called Market Freeze, which will allow customers exclusive use of an image for the combination of use, industry, geography, and duration of any commercial use license  READ MORE:

2)  Getty Images personnel are telling some stock agency image suppliers that in 3 to 5 years there will be no more Rights Managed licensing. Everything will be RF. Currently, only 21% of the images in Getty’s Creative collection are RM. That is down from 55% in 2007, the last time Getty supplied detailed figures on gross sales of the various collections. Getty is also putting pressure on individual photographers to switch their RM images to RF.

4) Insights, culture and trends. A lens into culture and the visual imagery that moves it


1)  CEPIC Statement on Works of Visual Arts in the Public Domain

2)  Supreme Court ruling on Copyright registration - Fourth Estate Public Benefit Corp. v., LLC

As a result, suits for copyright infringement cannot be commenced until after the Copyright Office issues (or denies) a registration, but the Court noted that plaintiffs can seek damages for infringement that occurred before and after the registration was granted.

From the Copyright Alliance: 
SCOTUS Rules in Favor of
‘Certificate’ Approach in Fourth Estate Case
On March 4, the U.S. Supreme Court issued a decision in Fourth Estate Public Benefit Corp v. – a case concerning whether a copyright owner can file an infringement suit after submitting their application, fee and creative deposit to the U.S. Copyright Office while awaiting the Register of Copyrights to act on it. In a unanimous decision, the Supreme Court held that registration occurs when the Register either completes (or refuses) a registration application. Thus, creators must wait for Copyright Office approval of their registration before filing an infringement lawsuit. The opinion, authored by Justice Ginsburg, also mentions that “the statutory scheme has not worked as Congress likely envisioned. [Copyright] registration processing times have increased from one or two weeks in 1956 to many months today,” which is “attributable, in large measure, to staffing and budgetary shortages that Congress can alleviate, but courts cannot cure.”

3)  Supreme Court Hands Down Critical Decisions in Fourth Estate Public Benefit Corp. v., LLCand Rimini Street, Inc. v. Oracle USA, Inc.,Resolving Circuit Splits Over Interpretation of Copyright Act Provisions
4)  United States Copyright Office Updated Draft of Compendium

5) E.U. lawmakers back copyright reforms targeting Google, Facebook

Google said the reforms would lead to legal uncertainty and hurt Europe's creative and digital economies.

6)  Ninth Circuit Addresses Outstanding Copyright Issues in VHT, Inc v Zillow Group

7)  Global Infringement Report 2019 ► Tracking Worldwide Image Theft

9)  On March 27, 2019, Librarian of Congress Dr. Carla Hayden appointed Karyn A. Temple Register of
Copyrights and the Director of the U.S. Copyright Office.

10)  Updated: RNC Didn’t Infringe Photographer’s Copyright, Montana Judge Rules

11)  Supreme Court Denies Co Rentmeester’s Copyright Petition over Nike “Jumpman”

Photo District News (PDN)

Quick Tip: Trim Estimates by Cutting Expenses—NOT Your Fee

PDN EDU - Articles include:  Business Smarts,  Ask a Photo Editor, Is It Legal


Pearson has sold its U.S. schools course materials business to the private equity groups Nexus Capital Management LP for $250 million. Nexus will pay an initial $25 million and a further $225 million by way of a vendor note due in the next three to five years for the business, which provides textbooks and resources for students from kindergarten to 12th grade.

Huawei is using photos created with a DSLR to promote their new P30 Smartphone Pro Camera rather than photos actually taken with the camera. This is the third time they have been caught using DSLR stock photos to promote the use of their smartphones. They seem to have no qualms about misrepresenting their products to the public and potential buyers.

The 2019 Photographer's Guide to Instagram Hashtags

The Very, Very Important Reasons Why You Need to Separate Yourself From Your Brand

Is picture research dead?

Tech Explained: Autotracing

The difference between bit-mapped and vector images, and how autotrace converts them